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Sha La La Al Green

Sha la la la-- la la la I love you Sha la la la-- la la la Thinkin' of you I know you can tell what's on my mind Oh baby And I've been feeling this way for such a long time Ya, baby Aw, make me happy baby, aw, make me happy, I wanna say. I'm trying, this feeling just won't die Oh Sha la la la-- la la la Make you cry. Lyrics to 'Sha-La-La (Make Me Happy)' by 'Al Green' Hey there, unfortunately we don't have the lyrics of this song named 'Sha-La-La (Make Me Happy) by Al Green' yet. We do try our best to have all the lyrics you want, but sometimes the lyrics are just not submited to us yet. Sha La Laa lyrics: Sha la la la-- la la la, oh baby, Sha la la la-- la la la, oh baby, I've been gone so long I know what to do, oh baby, that I know you don't know what I've been going through, oh baby, 'cause you make.


  1. Shalala Lala Song
  2. Sha La La Al Green Youtube

Shalala Lala Song

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Sha La La Al Green Youtube

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